The 12th National PCDS Conference took place from 24–25 November in Birmingham and was attended by over 650 attendees. At the Annual General Meeting, a motion was passed to increase the number of committee representatives to 20 to adequately represent the UK nations and the Republic of Ireland, so all the committee members up for election were re-elected. Jane Diggle and Su Down will take the role of Vice Chairs of the committee.
The PCDS poster award was presented to Azam Saied, Warwick Medical School, for his poster on an “Evaluation of ability to recognise patients with pre-diabetes and offer appropriate lifestyle reviews in primary care”, and the runner-up prize was awarded to Clare Hambling, Bridge Street Surgery, and her poster on “Older people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease are commonly overtreated with therapies associated with severe hypoglycaemia”. The PCDS Committee is also delighted to announce that a donation of £422.44 has been made to Children in Need from the collection held at the Society’s Annual Dinner. Thank you for all the generous contributions.
The PCDS Lifetime Achievement Award to Roger Gadsby MBE
Presented by Martin Hadley-Brown
Consensus report advises definitions of clinical and pre-clinical obesity, according to the presence of obesity-related conditions and dysfunction.
31 Jan 2025