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- Are you clear on the diagnostic criteria for non-diabetic hyperglycaemia (NDH) – previously called pre-diabetes?
- Do you know how to use individual and practice-based risk scores to identify who is at increased risk of NDH / T2D and needs a blood test?
- Does your practice include people who may be at high risk for NDH and T2D, but who are unlikely to be picked up on risk scores?
- Are you confident about counselling people on how to reduce their modifiable risk factors for NDH or T2D?
- Are you able to discuss the risk of progression to T2D from impaired glucose regulation / NDH?
- Does your practice have a clear protocol for how to identify, manage and follow up people at high risk of NDH or T2D?
- Do you have access to the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme and evidence-based intensive lifestyle intervention programme?
- Do you know when it is appropriate to offer metformin or orlistat to those with NDH along with guidance on lifestyle change?
- Are you aware of your local resources to help people lose weight, get active and make lifestyle changes? Do you regularly signpost to them?
If you hesitated to answer any of these questions, you and your team will find helpful information in this issue’s featured e-learning module, Non-diabetic hyperglycaemia and type 2 diabetes prevention:
Consensus report advises definitions of clinical and pre-clinical obesity, according to the presence of obesity-related conditions and dysfunction.
31 Jan 2025