Educators at Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC) and the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership have collaborated to adapt the DESMOND diabetes self-management education programme for the D/deaf population. Developed by LDC for people with or at risk of type 2 diabetes, DESMOND is a range of group-based and digital programmes.
It is estimated that 151,000 people in the UK use British Sign Language (BSL). It is the preferred language of over 87,000 deaf people for whom English may be a second or third language.
BSL is not a signed version of written or spoken English, and its vocabulary and syntax are different. This means that, particularly if individuals have been Deaf from birth or early childhood, subtitles or written English for BSL users are not an adequate alternative.
BSL users may face social exclusion resulting from linguistic exclusion, including from access to healthcare. It has been reported that BSL users have worse health outcomes than the general population, with over half of people with known diabetes having high fasting blood glucose levels.
The aim of the collaboration was, therefore, to identify what adaptions were needed to deliver the DESMOND programme for the D/deaf community to help improve their confidence in the management of their condition. An in-person discussion group with people from the D/deaf community living with type 2 diabetes and BSL interpreters was convened.
Key discussion areas included the need for:
- DESMOND groups to be held in person within a local Deaf Centre.
- A toolkit to be created for accredited DESMOND educators.
- BSL interpreters to include top tips, such as elongating the programme to account for additional interpretation time.
The discussions resulted in the development of two toolkits to support the future rollout of DESMOND groups for the D/deaf community with type 2 diabetes across Greater Manchester and the 105 other providers around the UK and Ireland. DESMOND educators have been learning about the project and how to work with their local communities to adapt and deliver the programme.
After 12 months working on the project, Julia Burdon from the LDC commented that they are pleased to now be implementing the toolkits to improve accessibility to the programmes. It will now start to look at what adaptations are needed for those living with type 2 diabetes and visual impairment.
Journal of
Diabetes Nursing
Early View
Self-management education adapted for deaf communities
Educators at Leicester Diabetes Centre (LDC) and the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership have collaborated to adapt the DESMOND diabetes self-management education programme for the D/deaf population. Developed by LDC for people with or at risk of type 2 diabetes, DESMOND is a range of group-based and digital programmes.
It is estimated that 151,000 people in the UK use British Sign Language (BSL). It is the preferred language of over 87,000 deaf people for whom English may be a second or third language.
BSL is not a signed version of written or spoken English, and its vocabulary and syntax are different. This means that, particularly if individuals have been Deaf from birth or early childhood, subtitles or written English for BSL users are not an adequate alternative.
BSL users may face social exclusion resulting from linguistic exclusion, including from access to healthcare. It has been reported that BSL users have worse health outcomes than the general population, with over half of people with known diabetes having high fasting blood glucose levels.
The aim of the collaboration was, therefore, to identify what adaptions were needed to deliver the DESMOND programme for the D/deaf community to help improve their confidence in the management of their condition. An in-person discussion group with people from the D/deaf community living with type 2 diabetes and BSL interpreters was convened.
Key discussion areas included the need for:
The discussions resulted in the development of two toolkits to support the future rollout of DESMOND groups for the D/deaf community with type 2 diabetes across Greater Manchester and the 105 other providers around the UK and Ireland. DESMOND educators have been learning about the project and how to work with their local communities to adapt and deliver the programme.
After 12 months working on the project, Julia Burdon from the LDC commented that they are pleased to now be implementing the toolkits to improve accessibility to the programmes. It will now start to look at what adaptations are needed for those living with type 2 diabetes and visual impairment.
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