This site is intended for healthcare professionals only

Service delivery


People with type 2 diabetes require sustained support from HCPs
Can automated bolus advisors help alleviate the burden of complex maths and lead to optimised diabetes health outcomes?
Successful team management of type 1 diabetes in children and young people: Key psychosocial issues
Services for children and young people with diabetes in the UK: Past, present and future
Developing a best practice tariff in paediatric diabetes: Can we improve services and outcomes for children and young people with diabetes in England?
“Join us on our journey”: A new model of care for children and young people with diabetes
Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference: Diabetes in children and adolescents
A collaborative approach to improving outcomes for children and young people with diabetes: What does the future hold?
The time is now: Launching the competency framework user’s guide
QOF indicators for PAD: Have the cavalry finally arrived?
Telemonitoring of diabetic foot ulcers being managed in the outpatient setting
The role of the DSN in providing quality diabetes care within constrained finance
Sharing of practice can support best practice tariff
Developing a transition toolkit – the process and outputs
Achieving HbA 1c targets with patient satisfaction in community pharmacy
PCDS Newsletter: News from the Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference, Glasgow, 7–9 March 2012
Diabetes care in England: QIPP and quality standards
Free for all UK & Ireland healthcare professionals

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