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Service delivery


Should the term “diabetes resolved” ever be used? A perspective from retinopathy screening services
The Francis report, the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, and the future of diabetes care in the NHS
The role of pharmacists in the management of type 2 diabetes: A literature review
NICE Final Appraisal Determination for dapagliflozin
Screening for depression – what happens next?
The diabetes team: Implementing skill mix and changing working roles for the community
Addressing barriers to diabetes care and self-care in general practice: A new framework for practice nurses
Supporting patients outside the clinic: A secondary care experience of DSN telephone support to people with diabetes
Diabetes care could be overlooked by new NHS organisations
General Medical Services contract changes for 2013/14: Is there a mismatch between past achievement and future support?
Is the Quality and Outcomes Framework achievement for diabetes set to fail? An English perspective
PCDS newsletter: The PCDS and its new mission statement
Understanding the role of primary care in the diabetes care pathway: The views of service providers caring for South Asian populations in the UK
The 2013/14 General Medical Services contract: What we need to know for diabetes care
Quality and Outcomes Framework and National Diabetes Audit results for diabetes care: Why are they different?
Hypoglycaemia management in older adults: Results of an audit in an Australian hospital
Free for all UK & Ireland healthcare professionals

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