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Service delivery


Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme
Local report: Steps to reduce insulin incidents in Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust
Inertia, individualisation and avoiding overtreatment in older people
The easy-to-do audit series: Glycaemic control in older people with type 2 diabetes
Diabetes services in Northern Ireland – speak up now!
Clinical snapshots. Results from the PCDS survey series: NICE type 2 diabetes guidance
Meeting NICE Gold Standards (2015): a feasibility study to improve podiatry accessibility for people with diabetes and foot ulcers
Children and Young People’s Diabetes Network newsround
Paediatric diabetes services in England since the introduction of the Best Practice Tariff: A national survey of clinical psychologists’ time, roles and ways of working. Part 2
Podiatrists’ perceptions of NHS provision of foot care for people with diabetes
Quality assurance of our services: Where do we go from here?
Free for all UK & Ireland healthcare professionals

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