This site is intended for healthcare professionals only



Diabetes care: Do you have postcode envy?
Health, education, policy and advocacy: Together we can improve the health and well-being of children in the school setting
Diabesity: Before, after and for some time after
Technophilia or technophobia: Are you embracing the wave of new media?
Can education of healthcare professionals address variation in outcomes in children and young people with diabetes?
How can nurses care if their organisation doesn’t care for them?
Equality and access to diabetes services: Are some services more “equal” than others?
Cutting costs now means stacking up problems for years to come
Diabetes and depression: Two sides of the same coin?
One nurse’s 50-year nursing career should inspire us all to improve inpatient care
Is there a place for elective therapeutic amputation in diabetic foot care?
NHS evidence update for the management of the foot in diabetes
Introduction to the latest competency dimension: Peripheral vascular disease
Changing roles for diabetes healthcare professionals
Free for all UK & Ireland healthcare professionals

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