NHS Diabetes
The first meeting of the NHS Diabetes National Inpatient Network takes place on 31 May 2012. The Inpatient Network Annual Conference – launch of the National Diabetes Inpatient Audit 2011 results will be held in London, with a venue soon to be confirmed.
The purpose of the event will be to provide feedback on the full findings of the 2011 audit. There will be comparisons with the previous year’s results and a series of workshops will also be held to explore how to improve results going forward. A keynote speech will be given by Dr Gerry Rayman, National Clinical Lead for Inpatient Diabetes.
The network, which was launched last autumn, provides an online forum to bring together healthcare professionals with a specific interest in inpatient care for people with diabetes.
Network Lead Ursula Anderson said: “The network allows a two-way sharing of good practice and also provides news, updates and developments in this area.”
“We are working together to achieve better inpatient care. Join our community and see how we can help you.”
To reserve your place at this free event, email [email protected].
Slumdoctor Project
A team of healthcare professionals from the UK provided free life-saving treatment to over 8000 people in a small village in the state of Punjab. The 50-person team, which included 30 clinicians (doctors, nurses including DSNs, audiologists, pharmacists and optometrists) ran a camp from 22 to 25 March 2012, based at a school in the village of Phillaur.
The camp was organised by UK-registered charity Slumdoctor Project, partnering up with two Indian charities (Baba Braham Dass Charitable Trust and Sant Sarwan Dass Charitable Trust).
Dr Vijay Bangar, Consultant Diabeteologist, one of the organisers of the camp and Director of Slumdoctor Project, said “Thousands of people travelled on foot up to 100 km to our medical camp to be seen… Our remit was to see every person that came through our doors. No one was turned away.”
The camp originally started off small 8 years ago, and has doubled in size every year. The charity organises fundraising events all year round. At the moment, a camp is held once a year. The next camp is planned for 22–24 March 2013.
If you want to know more about the Slumdoctor Project, please see our website at www.slumdoctor.co.uk or find “Slumdoctor Project” on Facebook.
Diabetes UK
Volunteers are vital to the work of Diabetes UK, the charity that cares for, connects with and campaigns on behalf of all people affected by and at risk of diabetes. Volunteers help to support their work, extend their reach and create a support network with healthcare professionals for people living with diabetes.
The Inspire Awards scheme has been set up to recognise excellence in volunteering at Diabetes UK. It is a great opportunity to thank people who deserve recognition for the activities they undertake on behalf of the charity. There are five categories of awards:
- Raising awareness.
- Supporting Diabetes UK.
- Supporting others.
- Voluntary groups.
- Diabetes voices.
For each category, one award will be presented in each of Diabetes UK’s regional/national locations.
If you know of a Diabetes UK volunteer or voluntary group who supports your work for people with diabetes, and would like to find out more or make a nomination, please visit http://www.diabetes.org.uk/Get_involved/Volunteer/Inspire-Awards/.
Using HCL technology to the best effect in women with type 1 diabetes.
20 Feb 2025