National Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurse Group
Early November 2007 saw the 8th meeting of the National Diabetes Inpatient Specialist Nurse (DISN) group in Birmingham. This meeting focused on renal disease and diabetes care. Dr Richard Smith (Consultant Senior Lecturer in Renal Medicine, Southmead Hospital) led us expertly through renal anatomy and physiology, diagnosis, treatment and referral pathways. This presentation was followed by Karen Marchant (Lead Renal Diabetes Clinical Nurse Specialist, Southmead), who enlightened us on managing diabetes during renal dialysis, transplantation and after care.
After a much needed brain rest at lunch, Yvonne Bradburn (Diabetes and Renal Dietitian, Birmingham) gave an excellent presentation that included avoiding the many pitfalls of helping people with diabetes and renal disease to manage their diets. Finally, June James (DISN, Peterborough) presented an audit of annual reviews undertaken in renal patients in her area. This highlighted the need for close monitoring of patients who are already attending many hospital appointments when under dual care.
As ever, there was lively debate with many useful opinions voiced, particularly in relation to members’ work issues. The day was rated highly and we look forward to meeting again next year.
To obtain minutes or for information on becoming a group member, please contact the group administrator, Christine Jones, on 01603 288206 or [email protected].
Christine Jones, National DISN Group
Following an interesting article on narratives (Piana and Maldonato, Journal of Diabetes Nursing 11:10) I would like to draw your attention to the Professionals United in Diabetes (PROUD) website: The website has a number of narratives: some moving, some humorous, some shocking, but all offer dual insight into living with diabetes and being involved in healthcare. I would encourage you to read them. Also if you have diabetes or diabetes is a part of your personal life please consider joining PROUD or come and see us at our stand at the Diabetes UK conference in Glasgow.
Jo Butler, Diabetes Consultant Nurse , PROUD Executive Committee
Case study highlighting how treatment choices may change as comorbidities arise.
4 Feb 2025