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Quick guide: Assessing hypoglycaemia awareness

The March 2022 update to the NICE NG28 guideline recommends that continuous glucose monitoring technology should be offered to certain individuals with type 2 diabetes on multiple daily insulin regimens. The criteria for usage include impaired hypoglycaemia awareness. The present quick guide identifies two tools to assess hypoglycaemia awareness, so that this useful technology can be offered to the appropriate people.

The March 2022 update to the NICE NG28 guideline1 recommends that continuous glucose monitoring technology should be offered to certain individuals with type 2 diabetes on multiple daily insulin regimens. The criteria for usage include impaired hypoglycaemia awareness. The present quick guide identifies two tools to assess hypoglycaemia awareness, so that this useful technology can be offered to the appropriate people.

Caution: These tools have not been validated in people with type 2 diabetes, and they may (particularly the Gold score) underestimate impaired hypoglycaemia awareness in type 2 diabetes.4 The tools should not override clinical judgement when evaluating the benefits of CGM for an individual with diabetes.


1. NICE (2022) Type 2 diabetes in adults: management [NG28].
2. Gold AE et al (1994) Diabetes Care 17: 697–703
3. Clarke WL et al (1995) Diabetes Care 18: 517–22
4. Alkhatatbeh MJ et al (2019) Curr Diabetes Rev 15: 407–13

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