This site is intended for healthcare professionals only


Becoming a diabetes nurse educator: The journey from wards to a specialist post
From practice nurse to diabetes nurse educator: The transition
Sexual and reproductive dysfunction in women with diabetes
Keeping abreast of the latest diabetes research: Thyroid function, insulin and gestational diabetes
Managing glycaemia in people with type 2 diabetes and renal impairment: An update for clinical practice
Insulin administration by non-registered practitioners
Involving children and young people with diabetes in clinical research
The importance of peer support in paediatric diabetes care
Looking after schoolchildren with diabetes: Development of the Individual Healthcare Plan
Youth Engagement Toolkit for healthcare professionals: How do we engage better with young people with type 1 diabetes?
Understanding barriers to commencing injectable therapy in people with type 2 diabetes
The new Government must grow the nurse workforce
No health without mental health? The costs of not attending to the mind
Diabetes nurses: Legal accountability in practice
Keeping abreast of the latest diabetes research: Pregnancy, hearing loss and CKD
National conversation on health inequalities for the “hard-to-reach” populations
Free for all UK & Ireland healthcare professionals

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