I would like to thank the Journal of Diabetes Nursing team for organising such a stimulating programme for the conference in February and to congratulate Simon Breed on being such an entertaining Chair.
I consider myself new to the diabetes world, having worked in the field for the past five years. I felt driven to comment on the conduct of the ‘debate’ at the close of the day, which did not inspire confidence in the ability/willingness of diabetes specialist nurses (DSNs) to participate in constructive dialogue.
The two prominent, experienced DSNs who took part in the debate — Sara Da Costa and Rosemary Walker — should be admired for their commitment as Chairs of the two organisations working to ensure that DSNs are taken seriously in the diabetes world and by the Government. I was therefore doubly disappointed at the manner in which both conducted themselves. What does the future hold for diabetes specialist nursing if we cannot abstain from petty remarks, set aside personal differences, and look to the common good?
The participants appeared to be desperately defending their power base. While one of the participants attempted to talk about the need for collaboration, the other’s body language was not conducive to this being effected. We clearly need to address the issue of whether two organisations are necessary to represent our needs. The present situation appears divisive, a sad waste of resources (both human and financial), and more importantly may result in fragmentation of the efforts we all put in to develop our practice and improve care for our patients.
Both the RCN Forum and the UK Association of DSNs need to approach this in a professional and collaborative manner. A ‘gestalt vision’, where ‘efforts are combined to achieve more than is possible by simply adding contributions together’ is required. This may indicate the need for an independent working group of DSNs to intervene and explore the best way forward which would be acceptable to all involved.
This surely is a matter of urgency! DSNs must consolidate to form a united front and speak with one voice, if we are to represent ourselves as a credible force in the new NHS.
Using HCL technology to the best effect in women with type 1 diabetes.
20 Feb 2025