Lesley Lowes
Lesley Lowes has been a paediatric DSN since 1995, and a researcher/practitioner in paediatric diabetes with Cardiff University and Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust since 1999. Her research interests are childhood chronic illness (particularly diabetes), theories of grief, service users’ involvement in research, and families’ experiences of health care.
She is currently co-principal investigator on a multi-centre trial exploring hospital or home management in childhood diabetes, and co-applicant on six other large multidisciplinary projects. In her clinical role, she leads the paediatric diabetes nursing service at the University Hospital of Wales, helping to care for 230 young peoples with diabetes and their families in both hospital and community settings.
Julie Brake
Julie Brake started working as a DSN in 1994, with a specific focus on education and involving people with diabetes more in their care. In 2002, Julie moved to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital where she is now leading the carbohydrate-counting course and the continuous glucose monitoring service for the centre, and is the lead for education.
Her specialty clinics include diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. Julie is the Vice Chair of the local research ethics committee and has a strong interest in research and audit.
Maggie Bodington
Maggie Bodington has been involved in various fields of diabetes nursing since 1978. Her general nurse training began at King’s College Hospital, London, in the early 1970s, but in 1975 she returned to general nursing at Leicester Royal Infirmary (LRI) for 2 years before taking the post of Diabetes Specialist Health Visitor. This post was based at the LRI, but working in the community with adults and children.
Maggie currently works in primary care as DSN for Latham House Medical Practice, where she oversees the care and management of adults with either type 1 and type 2 diabetes in the community. She is also a Nurse Independent Prescriber.
Kit McAuley
Kit McAuley currently works as a DSN/Facilitator for NHS Enfield Community Services, where she began working as a Diabetes Facilitator in 2003. This post was expanded in 2005 to allow her to develop as a DSN.
Kit has a special interest in the management of painful diabetic neuropathy and the management of diabetes-related foot problems. She also believes very strongly that patient information and empowerment is essential for the successful self-management of diabetes. From a fledgling author 4 years ago, she has published various articles, and is keen to encourage others to try their hand at sharing good ideas and practice with the wider audience of the journal.
Using HCL technology to the best effect in women with type 1 diabetes.
20 Feb 2025