Response to NICE
Much of our time has been spent preparing our response to NICE, as a key stakeholder, on the draft type 2 diabetes guideline. As part of this we have collected the opinions of PCDS members via an online survey. Many thanks to all of you who completed the questionnaire – the pooled results are a key element of our response. We shall now have to wait and see how the comments from us and the other stakeholders are implemented.
Insulin statement
The PCDS Committee has also been busy producing a statement in response to anecdotal reports of the drawing-up of insulin using insulin syringes from insulin pen cartridges and prefilled pens. You can find this here. We urge you all to read the statement and pass the message on to colleagues. Particular thanks must go to Jane Diggle, Julie Widdowson and Gwen Hall for the preparation of the statement.
The year ahead
The Committee met at the end of January to plan the 11th National Conference, and our regional committees have also been hard at work planning our other events (visit for the latest details). We are excited to be continuing to shape the agenda in primary care diabetes and hope to see as many of you as possible at these events
Seeing rising numbers of people with private prescriptions for injectable weight loss drugs, Jane Diggle discusses how to maximise their benefits.
3 Mar 2025