Submit your applications for PCDS committee elections
The Committee of the Primary Care Diabetes Society has:
- 17 members elected by the membership of PCDS, with representation from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
- Representation from healthcare professionals working in a primary care setting.
- Additional co-opted members where their experience enhances the duties of the Committee.
- A chairman, vice chairman, treasurer and secretary elected by committee members.
- Members that hold office for a period of 3 years, after which they can seek re-election.
- Two sub-committees: research and education.
- Meetings that are held approximately four times per year on a Saturday morning with sub-committee meetings on the preceding Friday evening.
- Members receiving travel and accommodation expenses.
- Annual and regional conferences organised in partnership with SB Communications Group.
To stand for election to the PCDS committee:
- Please submit a resumé of up to 150 words which will be used as an “election address” along with a recent photograph.
- These will be published on the PCDS website and in a forthcoming issue of this journal Diabetes & Primary Care.
- You are eligible to stand if you are a current member of the PCDS and are involved in the professional care of people with diabetes in a primary care setting.
- Your proposal needs to be supported by one other PCDS committee member.
Deadline for submitting your resumé is Friday 18 September 2009.
The election will close on the Friday evening of the Primary Care Diabetes Conference, 20 November 2009. Voting forms will appear in the journal. Voting will be restricted to one vote per member.
Consensus report advises definitions of clinical and pre-clinical obesity, according to the presence of obesity-related conditions and dysfunction.
31 Jan 2025