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Diabetes Distilled review of the year: Key topic 4

Diabetes emergencies: Can you differentiate diabetic ketoacidosis from a hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state? What should you do when you suspect a child has diabetes and how would you assess the urgency? Can you manage hypoglycaemia?

By Colin Kenny, GP, County Down

Emergencies in people with diabetes are common both in practice and out of hours. Primary care health professionals are often the first point of contact, along with paramedic and ambulance staff.  In the Diabetes & Primary Care CPD module linked to below, June James, an experienced consultant nurse, points out the high bed occupancy rate for people with diabetes. She guides us through the common emergencies in diabetes. These include clinical emergencies such as: diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state; hypoglycaemia; the diabetic foot; and the care of newly diagnosed children with diabetes.

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